generator n. 1.产生者,生殖者,创始者。 2.发电机,发生器。 3.【音乐】基础低音。 4.= generatrix. an A.C. generator交流发电机。 a D.C. generator直流发电机。 an electric generator发电机。 a gas generator煤气发生器。 an induction generator感应发电机。 a shunt generator分[并]激发电机。 a steam generator汽锅,蒸汽发生器。 a thermo generator温差电堆,热电堆,热偶电池。 a timing generator定时信号振荡器。
Hanging ozone generators and their mcu control system 桑拿房超声波加湿器。
Typical ozone generator equipment is as follow 臭氧发生器的规格如下:
Hanging ozone generators and their mcu control system . 6 . ozone density detector 四高性价比的臭氧浓度监测器。
Portable ozone generator 小型系列臭氧发生器
A frequency tracking phase shift pwm control technology for dbd ozone generator and its realization 变压器油在线故障诊断技术及发展
The measures of ozone concentration , output and specific energy consumption for ozone generator 臭氧发生器臭氧浓度产量电耗的测量
After a switch - off via the emergency stop there will be ozone in the system of the ozat ? cfs ( ozone generator and its lines ) 通过紧急停机之后, cfs臭氧发生器及臭氧气体管路中有臭氧存在
To improve the efficiency of ozone generator and reduce power consumption , the most important is to solve the power supply and ozone cell 要提高臭氧发生器的效率,降低能耗,首先要解决的是相应臭氧发生器供电电源和作为负载的大功率臭氧发生管。
But now most of the ozone generators have low power , high power consumption and low efficiency , which limit their range of application and effect of use 然而我国目前生产的大多数臭氧发生器功率小、能耗高、效率低,这些限制了它们的应用范围和使用效果。
This paper analyses the laden characteristics of the ozone generator and the requests to the power supply , the focal point of this paper is the power supply of the ozone generator 本文分析了臭氧发生器的负载特点及其对供电电源的要求,重点放在供电电源的设计和研制上。